[:it]Outfit primavera 2016: un’idea look per una primavera in anticipo[:en]Spring outfit idea 2016: an outfit idea for an early spring[:]


outfit 2016 (10)

Outfit primavera 2016

Outfit primavera 2016. Prendi una giornata di sole e un mese di febbraio che sembra aver ceduto il posto ad una primavera in anticipo, prendi la voglia di sorridere e di stare bene, quella voglia che ci coglie tutti di sorpresa con l’arrivo delle belle giornate (anche tu ne sei vittima, ne sono certa!), aggiungici tantissimi nuovi progetti dietro l’angolo, la fashion week milanese e un outfit primavera 2016 comodo e super fresco e ottieni la perfezione.

Ti scrivo in diretta da Roma dove, in questi due giorni, sono stata ospite di 3 insieme a tutti gli Ambassador italiani, un’esperienza unica che ti ho raccontato live sui social (sbircia cosa sto combinando su Instagram e Snapchat @alicecerea), la città eterna dalla quale oggi partirò per tornare nella mia seconda casa: Milano, per godermi a pieno questa fashion week che, per me, inizia con due giorni di ritardo.

Outfit primavera 2016: un’idea look per una primavera in anticipo

Oggi ti propongo un outfit primavera 2016 super semplice da realizzare con capi che, sicuramente, possiedi già.

Indosso una camicia Chicwish intrecciata sul decolletè (è la moda 2016, ti ricordi questo body super sexy?) abbinata ad un paio di semplici jeans, capelli sciolti e super lunghi (qui ti svelo come allungarli in un lampo e naturalmente!), una borsa nera e uno scintillio magico proveniente da un paio di booties made in Italy firmati Bianca Di.

E tu come la immagini la moda primavera/estate 2016? Qui ti svelo tutto sulla moda estate 2016 direttamente dalle passerelle.

Qui sotto trovi tutte le immagini, i brand e molto altro ancora!


Ps. Sei alla ricerca di idee moda per la bella stagione? Non perderti

► Moda primavera/estate 2016
► Moda unghie 2016
► Moda capelli 2016

outfit 2016 (51)

outfit 2016 (49)

outfit 2016 (44)

outfit 2016 (42)

outfit 2016 (37)

outfit 2016 (26)

outfit 2016 (24)

outfit 2016 (21)

outfit 2016 (13)

outfit 2016 (10)

outfit 2016 (8)


Booties: BIANCA DI

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Ps. Are you looking for fashion ideas for the summer? Do not Miss

► Fashion Spring / Summer 2016
► Fashion Nails 2016
► Hair Fashion 2016



outfit 2016 (10)

Spring outfit idea 2016

Spring outfit idea 2016. Take a sunny day and the month of February that seems to have passed way to a spring in advance, get the desire to smile and feel good, that desire that surprise with the arrival of the beautiful days, add somany new projects around the corner, the Milan fashion week, a super comfortable and cool spring outfit idea 2016 and you get perfection.

In these days I was a guest of 3 along with all Italians Ambassador, a unique experience that I told you live on social (follow me live on Instagram and Snapchat @alicecerea live from Rome, the eternal city from which today leave to return to my second home: Milano, to full enjoy this fashion week that for me starts two days late).

Spring outfit idea 2016: an outfit idea for an early spring

Today I propose a spring outfit idea 2016 super easy to do with cloche that, surely, you already have in your closet.

I’m wearing a braided Chicwish shirt (it is the trend 2016, do you remember this super sexy body?) combined with a pair of simple jeans, wavy and super long hair (learn here how to make your hair grow super fast!), a black bag and a magical sparkle coming from a pair of booties made in Italy signed Bianca Di.

So do you like thethis spring outfit? Here you can find all about fashion summer 2016.

Here below you can find all the images, brands and much more!


Ps. Are you looking for fashion ideas for the summer? Do not Miss

► Fashion Spring / Summer 2016
► Fashion Nails 2016
► Hair Fashion 2016

outfit 2016 (51)

outfit 2016 (49)

outfit 2016 (44)

outfit 2016 (42)

outfit 2016 (37)

outfit 2016 (26)

outfit 2016 (24)

outfit 2016 (21)

outfit 2016 (13)

outfit 2016 (10)

outfit 2016 (8)

I was wearing:

Booties: BIANCA DI

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Ps. Are you looking for fashion ideas for the summer? Do not Miss

► Fashion Spring / Summer 2016
► Fashion Nails 2016
► Hair Fashion 2016



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