[:it]Cappello nero a falda larga: un’idea look in rosso e nero[:en]Black hat outfit idea: inspiration in red and black[:]



Cappello nero a falda larga

Cappello nero a falda larga. Un’idea calda, estiva e alla moda per indossare un capo must have. Un outfit boho per il mare e non solo.

Una calda giornata di sole e il mare blu della Croazia (qui ti ho parlato del mio viaggio in Croazia). La pelle abbronzata e il profumo dell’estate. Un cappello nero a falda larga, un bikini basic, i piedi scalzi e un cardigan rosso come il sole al tramonto. Un’idea look per l’estate da copiare al volo.

Cappello nero a falda larga: un’idea look in rosso e nero

Il copricapo per eccellenza, quello da avere sempre nell’armadio, in mille varianti, in mille sfumature. Il cappello nero a falda larga, un must have da abbinare in tantissimi modi diversi e in tutte le stagioni.

Dopo averti mostrato un look con il cappello per le mezze stagioni e un look elegante con tanto di mini dress oggi ti do un’idea look per indossare il cappello a falda larga anche in estate.

Indosso un cappello nero in paglia con motivi aztechi, un cardigan traforato rosso boho chic, un bikini nero basic e nulla più. Un look fresco, estivo e perfetto per le feste in spiaggia o in piscina (qui ti do tanti consigli per la tua festa in piscina).

Ti lascio alle foto del look scattate in Croazia e tu cosa ne pensi? Cappello sì o no?








outfit festa in spiaggia (8)

outfit festa in spiaggia (4)

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Black hat outfit idea

Black hat outfit idea. An hot and fashionable black hat outfit idea. An idea to wear a must have. A boho outfit for the sea and beyond.

A warm sunny day and the blue sea of ​​Croatia (here I told you all about my trip to Croatia). Tanned skin and the smell of summer. A wide-brimmed black hat, a basic bikini, bare feet and a red cardigan. An idea look for the summer to be copied now.

Black hat outfit idea: inspiration in red and black

The headgear par excellence, the one you always have in the closet, in many variations, in a thousand shades. The black hat, a must have to be combined in many different ways and in all seasons.

Last season I showed a look with the hat for spring and autumn and a stylish look completed with a mini dress. Today I give you an idea look to wear black hat in summer.

I’m wearing a black hat with Aztec motifs, a red perforated boho chic cardigan, a black bikini and nothing more. A fresh look, and perfect for summer parties on the beach or by the pool (here I give you many tips for your pool parties).

I’ll let the pictures of the look taken in Croatia. What do you think? yes or not?








outfit festa in spiaggia (8)

outfit festa in spiaggia (4)

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  • Pam
    21/09/2016 at 12:06 pm

    these are great shots, beach and you look great!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

    • alicecerea
      23/09/2016 at 12:53 pm

      thanks honey

  • Naimah Abdulwaahid
    21/09/2016 at 1:29 pm

    You look beautiful.

    • alicecerea
      23/09/2016 at 12:50 pm

      oh thanks so much!

  • A Fashion Taste
    21/09/2016 at 10:01 pm

    Wonderful pictures

    • alicecerea
      23/09/2016 at 12:49 pm

      thanks so much!

  • Lorna
    22/09/2016 at 2:33 am

    You look amazing and I love your bikini! Great body!

    Raindrops of Sapphire

    • alicecerea
      23/09/2016 at 12:49 pm

      Thanks Lorna

  • shamuboo
    20/02/2017 at 3:30 am

    That shawl is so pretty and your butt is very beautiful! You are so sexy dear!!

    All Things Bright and Lovely